With Nexteer's proven CIS portfolio and engineering experience, we work with our customers to embrace and solve their challenges which ultimately prov...
While our OEM customers incorporate cyber security at the vehicle level, Nexteer further enhances safety by integrating multi-layer cyber security at ...
With our advanced steering software, SbW seamlessly manages or eliminates steering wheel rotation during AES maneuvers bringing added confidence, secu...
Nexteer’s Stowable Steering Column innovation will take a driver’s “behind-the-wheel” experience to a whole, new level. Our technology enabl...
When considering steering solutions, Dual Pinion-Assist Electric Power Steering or DPEPS has emerged as a key technology – to compliment Rack-Assist...
Nexteer Senior Vice President and Chief Technology Officer Robin Milavec was recently featured in the Q’d Up Mobility Briefing series, hosted by the...